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Administratorem Twoich danych jest Adrian Orłów. Z pełnymi informacjami możesz zapoznać się w polityce prywatności.



Not everyone has time to read long articles describing complex issues. How to reduce news to a collection of summarized press releases from trusted sources?


Technology-assisted journalism
By collecting and analyzing the relevance of information appearing in trusted media, the most important ones can be identified and, with the help of AI, condensed into a form that briefly presents the relevant facts.
The entire process can be automated from start to finish and not require a single human to participate. At the same time, by providing a web application, a solution can be created that would give access to news in the form of a collection of condensed press releases from trusted sources.
The exact model of the application is described in the document "Aggregation and automation of press content publishing" available here.
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