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Administratorem Twoich danych jest Adrian Orłów. Z pełnymi informacjami możesz zapoznać się w polityce prywatności.



Changing the world through petitions can be simple and effective. A citizen petition service with an eye-pleasing interface.

Better Alternative

A classic product in an innovative form
Creating and signing petitions doesn't have to involve going through millions of views and forms. User action scenarios can be brought down to a completely simplified level.
A few clicks and you're done. This is the principle that has been adopted for the interface of the product under development to maximize the social benefit and usability of the product.

Sign and change

Clear branding should say what the product is
Dynamics and distinction of change were applied in the branding of the product. It was based on three main pillars: signature, petition and effect.
In this way, the logo clearly describes the process that a user can begin by using the product. By signing in an online petition, it creates ripples that signify change and the social issue reaching other people.


Most important - effectiveness
The frontend of the application was based on modern solutions tailored to the needs of the project, which placed positioning and speed as the most important.
The server-side rendering of the page allowed for lightning-fast page speed and fine-tuned positioning in every view. Precise optimizations for resource consumption were also applied.
Technologies and skills
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Let's build a product they'll love!
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The administrator of your data is Adrian Orłów. Your data will be processed in order to respond to your message. More information can be found in Privacy Policy.
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