Colors, dynamics and engagement. Portal combining Minecraft streamers and server website aimed at young audience.
Let there be a gradient!
The interface's communication with the user was based on simple, edgy and slightly outlined shapes.
While utilizing muted gradients, the design of the app combines the visual creation of engagement along with the ease of perception and use by young content consumers.
I am speed
The frontend of the application was based on modern solutions tailored to the needs of the project, which placed positioning and speed as the most important.
The server-side rendering of the page allowed for lightning-fast page speed and fine-tuned positioning in every view. Precise optimizations for resource consumption were also applied.
Results produced by the project
Tens of thousands of users served.
Exposure among influencers The project has been shown in the streamers of the biggest format, such as Ewroon (820K observers) or Mandzio (650K)